Drag & Drop questions: a user guide

Drag & Drop style question formats open up an raft of more creative questioning techniques for researcher, but they can be open to miss-used and many researchers are unsure as to the creative possibilities of what you can do with this style of question. 

This guide covers the factors that should be considered when deciding when and how to use Drag & Drop questions in online surveys, and an outline of the range of Drag & Drop question formats that are available.

Understanding the value of dragging!

The principal value of Drag & Drop in surveys is that it allows respondents to sort and group options, rather than simply pick them.


Drag & Drop is most commonly used to allow respondents to rank choices, such as to pick their first, second and third choice from a list. To achieve this in a conventional format would require presenting effectively the same question three times – asking the respondent to select their first choice, then second, then third. This would be a repetitive task for respondents, and also fiddly to program, as the previously selected options would have to be filtered out of the list each time. The Drag & Drop format allows these three questions to be combined, with ranking and selecting being part of same process. From a respondent’s point of view, it is more intuitive than either repeated questions or a grid.


Another useful role for Drag & Drop is to allow respondents to apply a large set of options or attributes to two or more ‘targets’. For example, a respondent might be asked to pick words from a list at the top of the screen, and match them against two brands at the bottom of the screen. By making and reviewing their selections for both brands at the same time, it allows them to compare and refine their choices, bringing out the truly distinct characteristics for each brand. By presenting all the choices they have to make on one page, rather than showing the same list over and over, it helps to ‘concertina’ the thinking process.

Reducing straightlining effects

In experiments we have conducted at GMI, we have observed up to 80% less measurable straightlining using on Drag & Drop questions, compared with conventional grid questions using standard button selection *.

One factor that might explain this is the boredom respondents experience when asked a large number of grid-style questions in a survey. The switch from button-pressing to Drag & Drop makes the question more interesting to answer, which research has shown improves respondent focus and thus reduces straightlining. But that is not it.

In addition, the extra concentration required to drag a selected option from one part of the screen to another makes it far more likely for the respondent to think about the choice, since it takes the same effort to answer the question properly as not. This is distinct from simple button-pushing, when banks of repetitive questions can be sped through with the brain disengaged and the eyes almost closed.

But while the possibility of an 80% reduction in straightlining might tempt some to replace every grid question in a survey with Drag & Drop, it should be kept in mind that the extra time required to complete such questions can become frustrating to respondents if they occur too frequently, and this can trigger dropout and speeding. They are best used sparingly in a mix of creative question formats, and reserved for when their benefits are most needed.

*source: ESOMAR GMI Engage 2008 Panel conference paper “Measuring the value of respondent engagement”

What types of Drag & Drop question are there? 

There follows an outline of the various options for using Drag & Drop questions in a survey.

Terminology of different Drag & Drop questions

We define 4 different Drag & Drop processes, and it is helpful to use this terminology when defining a Drag & Drop question requirement in a draft questionnaire.

1. Drag disappear: dropped options disappear
2. Drag and stack: dropped options become a stack
3. Drag and restrict: only one option may be dropped onto a target
4. Drag and list: dropped options become a list

In addition, targets maybe be presented all on one page, or one at a time, referred to as “sequential Drag & Drop format”.

Options may also be set as single- or multi-choice.

They can be dropped onto restricted positions on the screen, or onto one- or two- dimensional zones.

Basic option ranking

This question format can be arranged vertically or horizontally, with the options organised as blocks or straight lists.

(Methodological note: the temptation here is to allow respondents to rank all the options, but this could result in several-hundred variable combinations to process. It is best to ask respondents to rank only the top 2 or 3, and possibly the worst.)

This question format is also an ideal alternative to Max diff style conjoint question approaches.

Option sorters

In this format, the respondent drags the options onto target choice. These can stack up in a pile (sometimes called card sorting) or disappear as they are dropped onto the selection zone.

The main decision about option sorting is whether to have all the options on display or show them one by one (sequentially) and largely this is dictated by the number of options respondents are asked to sort.

The visual format of this question can be adapted in many different ways, depending on the task. Icons can be added to help emotionalise the choice. The question format can be set up with text alone, or, just as easily, with images.

The layout can be organised to enable respondents to drag options to targets arranged horizontally, vertically, or onto a grid.

List builders

In this format, the options are dropped onto each target to form a list. This is useful when, for example, asking respondents to select a set of features for a product, or to encourage respondents to pick a minimum number of choices for each target – e.g. words associated with different brands.

The same range of custom features are available as in the option sorting format: respondents can drag either words or images, which can be shaped and sized according to specific requirements.

Flag Drag & Drop onto line

This question format is often used as an alternative to sliders, as in effect it produced the same data. The respondent places each option onto a bar, marked with a range from 1-100. The benefit of this format over sliders is that respondents can make more micro-comparisons, and there is an element of ranking involved which can help pull out more subtle differences. Jeffrey Henning wrote a good post about when to use ranking v rating questions http://blog.vovici.com/blog/bid/18228/Ranking-Questions-vs-Rating-Questions. Well the popularity of this question format is probably due to the fact that it combines these two techniques.

Target Drag & Drop

This is equivalent to a one-dimensional ‘flag Drag & Drop’, but respondents place their choices onto a two-dimensional target. Respondents can find this a more intuitive process, such as when asked how much they like something. Another advantage is that more options can fit onto a two-dimensional target range without it getting overcrowded.

The target imagery can be customised, as can the colours of the target zones.

Graph Drag & Drop

This records answers on a two-dimensional scale, thus making respondents perform two tasks at once, say for example how much they watching sport on TV v how often the participate.

This format needs to be used with some care, as it can be a little confusing for respondents to answer. See note below about instructions...

The importance of instructions when using drag and drop questions

Respondents are so used to pressing buttons in surveys that the sudden appearance of a Drag & Drop question can cause confusion. If such a question is badly identified, respondents can end up trying to press all the options as though they were buttons, and then quit the survey in the belief that they are stuck. Experiments have shown that up to 10% of respondents can drop out of a survey because of a badly identified Drag & Drop question.

For this reason, it is essential that instructions on Drag & Drop questions are clear. Ideally, they should be illustrated, such as with animated arrows.

How does data differ from Drag & Drop questions to conventional button-selection techniques?

Experiments to compare Drag & Drop questions to conventional grid alternatives show no major differences in the overall balance of data, other than a slightly lower level of neutral/don’t know selections accounted for by the improved level of engagement. The distribution between the top and middle boxes appears to be equivalent.

Potentially better quality data

As previously explained, there is less straightlining associated with drag and drop question formats and so you potentially get richer data. But there can be fewer answers though in certain circumstances!

A particular problem found with list-building Drag & Drop question formats is that respondents have a habit of only dragging one or two options onto each target particularly if there are a lot of target, and are less likely to match the same option to more than one target compared to a situation where they are presented with each target one at a time.

This can result in reduced the volume of data compared to sequential tick selection approaches.

One solution to this is to define minimum the number of options they must drag into each zone but this can be frustrating for respondents if they cannot think of enough associations. So it would also be a recommendation to outline in the question to recommended number of attributes to select but without making this conditional. e.g. "please select 5 features that you think represent each brand"

Most Thumbed Books

I afraid I have got a terrible habit of turning over the corner of pages of books when I come across something I think is interesting and scribbling notes, my girlfriends mum Alison who is a book collector would be horrified to hear about this I am sorry but, it is quite a good way of telling retrospectively how useful the book is.

This is a list of my top most thumb-nailed/annotated books and I thought this could be the start of a quest to find the most useful books for market researchers to read…
1. Where good ideas come from by Steve Johnson: 58 page turns… I found this book a really inspiring read.  At the heart of this book he explains how the sharing and cross integration of thought is the engine for generating new ideas. He looks at the issue in lots of different dimensions and I don’t think anyone reading this could not be inspired to go away and have some fresh ideas themselves. It encouraged me to take things like Twitter a lot more seriously as an idea generation medium. This industry lives on and it’s future survival is based on the generation of ideas so it’s a book I would encourage the whole market research industry to read.

2:  Yes 50 secrets from the science of persuasion by Noah Goldstein: 54 page turns….This book is a bit of a top of the pops compilation of famous social psychology experiments.  A fairly light read and many of the experiments discussed in this book regularly feature in other business books, but if you are unfamiliar with social psychology/behavioral science this book is a really great starting point. I think a really useful book for any market researcher to read.

3. Reality Is Broken by Jane McGonigal  45 page turns…A must read book for anyone into gamification, looks at the basic science of game play and explores what makes tasks into games and illustrates the power of gaming. If you can’t be bothered to read it check out her Ted presentation.

4. Mindset, by Carole S Dweck.   44 page turns.. This book is totally battered, been read by about 5 of my friends. Its basic idea is that the way you nurture children, employee, family relationships is not by praising and rewarding success and going around telling people how smart they are, it is by highlighting and rewarding considered effort, and to treat everything, the successes and failures in life as an opportunity to learn new things and learn how to do things better. Its good advice but people like Alex Fergusson and Jack Walsh who do this so naturally are the big winners both in life an in business. You might think reading this, that this book is one of those dreadful self help books.  Well it is, read it and it will change you attitude towards the genre!

5. The art of asking questions by Stanley L Payne: 37 page turns… I am perhaps so impressed by it because it was written over 50 years ago, but it is full of common sense about how to write effective survey questions that really has stood the test of time. I would say this is close to being a MR bible as you can get.  It is particularly thorough on the topic on making questions clear to understand and interpret that he even publishes a mini dictionary of words at the back of the book that he observed were liable to cause confusion and problems when used incorrectly in a survey.

 6: Irrationality by Stuart Sutherland: 36 page turns…In MR we all have a habit of over interpreting data, and making irrational judgements based on our biased points of views. As market research it is kind of helpful to be as objective as you can. This book will slap you into shape on that front and make you question all your opinions and how you formed them.

7. Information is Beautiful: by David McCandless: 33 page turns. This is probably the best know book on infographics and is one those books that transcends work, and sits nicely on a coffee table too!

