Here are some new buzz words and interesting phrases that I have collected recently that I think market researchers might be interested in.
Intrapreneurs: the entrepreneurs that instead of setting up and running their own business, work within larger businesses or organisations and drive entrepreneurial activity within these organisations. Source: Maryan Broadbent, David Smith & Adam Riley ESOMAR Asia 2012
Linguistic anthropology: Social media data mining is leading to a new bread of research focusing on understanding the detailed use of language and the processes of human communications, variation in language across time and space, the social uses of language, and the relationship between language and culture.
SoLoMo: social-local-mobile. A word made for market researchers lips that combined the hot 3 topics of social, local geographical targeting and mobile. Source:
Micro-multinationals: A new breed of entrepreneurs creating “micro-multinationals”, organizations that are global from day one. Source: Amit Gupta & Terry Sweeney ESOMAR Asia 2012
Social looping: Connecting and taking control of your disparate set of social network connections and connection channels. Source: marketing age
Personal branding: The idea that people now are thinking about themselves as brands. Source: various (Elina Halonen rightly pointed out that this is not exactly a new buzzword, but all I would say is that I have heard it being used quite a lot at the moment!)
Crowdfunding: The new trend for social crowd backed business ventures e.g.,
Global villager: The globe has been connected into a village by digital technology - an idea originally presented by Marshall McLuhan, popularized in his books The Gutenberg Galaxy: The Making of Typographic Man (1962) but really only realised since the advent of the web. So if you are hooking up on twitter with people in another continent you are one of the global villagers. Source: Maryan Broadbent, David Smith & Adam Riley at the ESOMAR Asia 2012
Research Improv: Using some of the theatrical techniques of improvisation in focus groups or workshops to develop and explore ideas.Source: Lee Ryan:
Kinesthetic research: Kinesthetic learning is a style of teaching where pupils carry out a physical activity, rather than listening to a lecture or watching a demonstration. Kinesthetic research is where we conduct research through a physical activity or immersive activity and is tipped to be a growing area of research innovation. Research improv is a branch of Kinesthetic research, clients participation in co-creation exercises with end users is another example and so too is I suspect next example Socialized research which I spotted as a topic at the forthcoming ESOMAR congress.
Socialized Research: This is the title of what looks like it might be a hot ticket presentation at this years ESOMAR congress by OTX Ipsos Open Thinking Exchange "a brave new world of immersion, augmented reality, geo-location, co-creation…" the addition of a little “social” into everything we do so that consumers are engaged in ways that capitalize on and mimic their expectations given the realities of today’s new world. Welcome to the new normal. Are you ready?
Decision making science: We started with psychology, this branched off into social psychology then behavioural science and got refined into behavioural economics now we have a new one decision making science. A nice all explaining concept. Source:
Creative leaders: people in organisations to act as grit to drive innovation. Source: Maryan Broadbent, David Smith & Adam Riley at the ESOMAR Asia ConferenceSocial graph: the global mapping of everybody and how they're related. Source: Brad Fitzpatrick
Being the wide angle lens: The person in an organisation who offers a more panoramic viewpoint on a business. Source: Maryan Broadbent, David Smith & Adam Riley at the ESOMAR Asia Conference
Chief customer: Person on persons who represent the embodiment of a customer in a business. Source: Maryan Broadbent, David Smith & Adam Riley ESOMAR Asia 2012
Fremium: This is a is a business model by which a product or service is provided free of charge, but a premium is charged for advanced features. Source: This term has be around long enough to grab itself a wikipedia entry
Showroom retailing & Monitor Shopping: A shift to retail spaces like electronic and book shops to become showrooms where people look at products and then order them online. Monitor shopping is the process of going shopping online. Source: various
Sharkonomics: Taking a shark like approach to battling with your competitor i.e. sneaking up behind them and aiming taking great big chunk out of their market share though some clever strategic move. This seems to be the way that some of the big boys in the mobile and internet businesses seem to be operating now. e.g. Microsoft launching a premium tablet. Source: title of book by Stefan Engeseth
Obsoltweet: a tweet that has missed the boat
Global villager: The globe has been connected into a village by digital technology - an idea originally presented by Marshall McLuhan, popularized in his books The Gutenberg Galaxy: The Making of Typographic Man (1962) but really only realised since the advent of the web. So if you are hooking up on twitter with people in another continent you are one of the global villagers. Source: Maryan Broadbent, David Smith & Adam Riley at the ESOMAR Asia 2012
Research Improv: Using some of the theatrical techniques of improvisation in focus groups or workshops to develop and explore ideas.Source: Lee Ryan:
Kinesthetic research: Kinesthetic learning is a style of teaching where pupils carry out a physical activity, rather than listening to a lecture or watching a demonstration. Kinesthetic research is where we conduct research through a physical activity or immersive activity and is tipped to be a growing area of research innovation. Research improv is a branch of Kinesthetic research, clients participation in co-creation exercises with end users is another example and so too is I suspect next example Socialized research which I spotted as a topic at the forthcoming ESOMAR congress.
Socialized Research: This is the title of what looks like it might be a hot ticket presentation at this years ESOMAR congress by OTX Ipsos Open Thinking Exchange "a brave new world of immersion, augmented reality, geo-location, co-creation…" the addition of a little “social” into everything we do so that consumers are engaged in ways that capitalize on and mimic their expectations given the realities of today’s new world. Welcome to the new normal. Are you ready?
Decision making science: We started with psychology, this branched off into social psychology then behavioural science and got refined into behavioural economics now we have a new one decision making science. A nice all explaining concept. Source:
Creative leaders: people in organisations to act as grit to drive innovation. Source: Maryan Broadbent, David Smith & Adam Riley at the ESOMAR Asia Conference
Being the wide angle lens: The person in an organisation who offers a more panoramic viewpoint on a business. Source: Maryan Broadbent, David Smith & Adam Riley at the ESOMAR Asia Conference
Chief customer: Person on persons who represent the embodiment of a customer in a business. Source: Maryan Broadbent, David Smith & Adam Riley ESOMAR Asia 2012
Fremium: This is a is a business model by which a product or service is provided free of charge, but a premium is charged for advanced features. Source: This term has be around long enough to grab itself a wikipedia entry
Showroom retailing & Monitor Shopping: A shift to retail spaces like electronic and book shops to become showrooms where people look at products and then order them online. Monitor shopping is the process of going shopping online. Source: various
Sharkonomics: Taking a shark like approach to battling with your competitor i.e. sneaking up behind them and aiming taking great big chunk out of their market share though some clever strategic move. This seems to be the way that some of the big boys in the mobile and internet businesses seem to be operating now. e.g. Microsoft launching a premium tablet. Source: title of book by Stefan Engeseth
Finally a couple of twitter specific buzzwords:
Trashtag: A hashtag that someone tries to establish for purely self-centred and/or commercial reasons, rather than to create a strand of content that might actually be useful or interesting to someone else.
Twitchunt: torrents of me-too sentiment on twitter gathering mass and momentum very quickly.Obsoltweet: a tweet that has missed the boat